LOD & ACAIN 2021 Program: LOD-ACAIN-2021-Program-V1

15:00 – Go to Youtube and Call me in the Morning: use of Social Media for Chronic conditions, Rema Padman, Xiao Liu, Anjana Susarla & Bin Zhang (Onsite)
15:15 – Smart Agents for Machine Perfusion, Angelo Lucia, Emily Ferrarese, Korkut Uygun & Ioannis Androulakis (Screen sharing)
15:30 – A Sobolev space viewpoint on the benign overfitting phenomenon for fully connected Deep Nets, Stephane Chretien & Emmanuel Caron (Screen sharing)
15:45 – CURNet: Deep Learning Based Multi-Step Fault Prediction on High Dimensional Unbalanced Data, Hang Ruan (Screen sharing)
16:00 – Using machine learning to predict the number of alternative solutions to a minimum cardinality set covering problem, Brooks Emerick, Francis Vasko & Yun Lu (Screen sharing)
15:00 – Automation-driven innovation management? Toward Innovation-Automation-Strategy cycle, Piotr
Makowski & Yuya Kajikawa (Onsite)
15:15 – Statistical Estimation of Quantization for Probability Distributions: Best Equivariant Estimator of Principal
Points, Shun Matsuura & Hiroshi Kurata (screen sharing)
15:30 – On Accelerating Decomposition Algorithms Using Surrogate Models, Ouyang Wu & Ivo Nowak (Screen
15:45 – Gaussian Mixture Model Decision Tree for Classification, Aditya Sivanand, Joerg Fliege, Erengul Dodd &
Ralf Werner (Screen sharing)
16:00 – Explainable Graph Attention Networks, David Pham & Yongfeng Zhang (Screen sharing)

16:45 – Cascaded Classifier for Pareto-Optimal Accuracy-Cost Trade-Off Using off-the-Shelf ANNs, Cecilia Latotzke, Johnson Loh & Tobias Gemmeke (Onsite)
17:00 – SDF-GAN: Aerofoil shape parameterisation via an adversarial auto-encoder, Tom Bamford, Andy Keane & David Toal (Onsite)
17:15 – Optimally Weighted Ensembles for Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization, Gideon Hanse, Roy de Winter, Bas van Stein & Thomas Bäck (Onsite)
17:30 – ODIN: pluggable meta-annotations and metrics for the diagnosis of classification and localization, Rocio Torres, Federico Milani & Piero Fraternali (Onsite)
17:45 – Leverage Score Sampling for Complete Mode Coverage in Generative Adversarial Networks, Joachim Schreurs, Hannes De Meulemeester, Michael Fanuel, Bart De Moor & Johan Suykens (Onsite)
18:00 – Distilling Financial Models by Symbolic Regression, Gabriele La Malfa, Emanuele La Malfa, Roman Belavkin, Panos M. Pardalos & Giuseppe Nicosia (Onsite)
18:15 – Fast ABC with joint generative modelling and subset simulation, Eliane Maalouf, David Ginsbourger & Niklas Linde (Screen sharing)
16:45 – A Hybrid Surrogate-Assisted Accelerated Random Search and Trust Region Approach for Constrained Black-Box Optimization, Rommel Regis (Screen sharing)
17:00 – Neural Weighted A*: Learning Graph Costs and Heuristics with Differentiable Anytime A*, Alberto Archetti, Marco Cannici & Matteo Matteucci (Screen sharing)
17:15 – Randomized Iterative Methods for Matrix Approximation, Allan Struthers, Benjamin Ong & Joy Azzam (Screen sharing)
17:30 – Dissecting FLOPs along input dimensions for GreenAI cost estimations, Andrea Asperti, Davide Evangelista & Moreno Marzolla (Video)
17:45 – Public Transport Arrival Time Prediction based on GTFS data, Eva Chondrodima, Harris Georgiou, Nikos Pelekis & Yannis Theodoridis (Screen sharing)
18:00 – Machine Learning in a Policy Support System for Smart Tourism Management, Elena Bellodi, Riccardo Zese & Francesco Bertasi (Screen sharing)
18:15 – Activity Imputation of Shared e-Bikes Travels in Urban Areas, Natalia Selini Hadjidimitriou, Marco Lippi & Marco Mamei (Video)

7:30 – Effect of Geometric Complexity on Intuitive Model Selection, Eugenio Piasini, Vijay Balasubramanian & Joshua Gold (Screen Sharing)
17:52 – Training Convolutional Neural Networks with Competitive Hebbian Learning Approaches, Gabriele Lagani, Giuseppe Amato, Fabrizio Falchi & Claudio Gennaro (Onsite)
18:14 – Cortical feedback loops bind distributed high-dimensional representations of working memory, Ivan Voitov & Thomas Mrsic-Flogel (Onsite)
17:30 – Evaluating Hebbian Learning in a Semi-Supervised Setting, Gabriele Lagani, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro & Giuseppe Amato (Onsite)
17:45 – A Large Visual Question Answering Dataset for Cultural Heritage, Luigi Asprino, Luana Bulla, Ludovica Marinucci, Misael Mongiovì & Valentina Presutti (Screen sharing)
18:00 – Analyzing Communication Broadcasting in the Digital Space, Giovanni Giuffrida, Andrea Russo & Francesco Mazzeo Rinaldi (Onsite)
18:15 – Can you tell? SSNet – a Biologically-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Classifiers, Apostol Vassilev, Munawar Hasan & Honglan Jin (Video)

21:00 – Credit Assignment in Neural Networks through Deep Feedback Control, Alexander Meulemans, Matilde Tristany Farinha, Javier Garcia Ordonez, Pau Vilimelis Aceituno, Joao Sacramento & Benjamin Grewe (Onsite)
21:22 – Dynamic causal communication channels between neocortical areas, Mitra Javadzadeh & Sonja B. Hofer (Onsite)
21:44 – Linear regression trees for steelmaking recommendations, Nikolai Kniazev (screen sharing)
21:00 – Using Statistical and Artificial Neural Networks Meta-learning Approaches for Uncertainty Isolation in Face Recognition by the Established Convolutional Models, Stanislav Selitskiy, Nikolaos Christou & Natalya Selitskaya (Screen sharing)
21:15 – Predatory Conversation Detection using Transfer Learning approach, Nancy Agarwal, Mudasir Ahmad Wani, Tuçe Ünlü & Patrick Bours (Screen sharing)
21:30 – Epicentral Region Estimation using Convolutional Neural Networks, Leonel Cruz, Rubén Tous, Beatriz Otero, Leonardo Alvarado, Sergi Mus & Otilio Rojas (Screen sharing)
21:45 – Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Speed Control in Trajectory Simulation, Sahib Julka, Vishal Sowrirajan, Joerg Schloetterer & Michael Granitzer (Screen sharing)

11:45 – Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural networks, Agnes Korcsak-Gorzo, Michael Günther Müller, Andreas Baumbach, Leng Luziwei, Oliver Julien Breitwieser, Sacha Jennifer van Albada, Walter Senn, Karlheinz Meier, Robert Legenstein & Mihai Alexandru Petrovici (Onsite)
12:07 – Learning Bayes-optimal dendritic opinion pooling, Jakob Jordan, João Sacramento, Willem A.M. Wybo, Mihai A. Petrovici & Walter Senn (Onsite)
12:29 – An Optimization method for Accurate Nonparametric Regressions on Stiefel Manifolds, Chafik Samir & Ines Adouani (Screen sharing)
11:45 – Neuropathological Assessments of Dementia Using Machine Learning Feature Selection, Mohammed Rajab, Emmanuel Jammeh, Teruka Taketa, Carol Brayne, Fiona E Matthews, Paul G Ince, Li Su, Stephen B Wharton, Dennis Wang & On Behalf Of The Cognitive Function And Ageing Neuropathology Study Group (Onsite)
11:55 – Pushing the Limits of Astrophysical Light Curve Processing with Physics-Based Probabilistic Neural Networks, Mario Morvan, Angelos Tsiaras, Nikolaos Nikolaou & Ingo Waldmann (Onsite)
12:05 – Unsupervised PulseNet: Automated Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks by K-Means Clustering, David Browne, Michael Giering & Steve Prestwich (Screen sharing)
12:20 – Topological properties of mouse neuronal populations in fluorescence microscopy images, Margarita Zaleshina & Alexander Zaleshin (Onsite or Screen sharing or Video)

11:00 – Cortico-cerebellar networks as brain-wide decoupling machines, Joseph Pemberton, Ellen Boven, Richard Apps & Rui Ponte Costa (Onsite)
11:22 – Hippocampal encoding of continual reinforcement learning features, Samia Mohinta, Dabal Pedamonti, Stephane Ciocchi & Rui Ponte Costa (Onsite)
11:44 – A contrastive rule for meta-learning, Nicolas Zucchet, Simon Schug, Johannes von Oswald, Dominic Zhao & João Sacramento (Onsite)
12:06 – Evolving to Learn: Automating the search for interpretable, biologically plausible synaptic plasticity rules, Henrik Daniel Mettler, Maximilian Schmidt, Walter Senn, Mihai Alexandru Petrovici & Jakob Jordan (Onsite)
11:00 – Predicting Worst-Case Execution Times During Multi-Criterial Function Inlining, Kateryna Muts & Heiko Falk (Screen sharing)
11:15 – Deep autonomous agents comparison for self-driving cars, Alessandro Riboni, Antonio Candelieri & Matteo Borrotti (Screen sharing)
11:30 – ProSPs: Protein Sites Prediction based on Sequence Fragments, Massimo Cavallin, Sebastian Daberdaku, Carlo Ferrari & Michela Quadrini (Screen sharing)
11:45 – Online semi-supervised learning from evolving data streams with meta-features and deep reinforcement learning, Parsa Vafaie, Herna Viktor, Eric Paquet & Wojtek Michalowski (Screen sharing)
12:00 – Utilizing predictive models to identify the influence of full prior distribution in hypothesis testing problems, Gail Gilboa Freedman & Yuval Ben David (Video)
12:15 – Multivariate LSTM for Stock Market Volatility Prediction, Osama Assaf, G. Di Fatta & G. Nicosia (Screen sharing)

20:00 – Fast and energy-efficient neuromorphic deep learning with first-spike times, Julian Göltz, Laura Kriener, Andreas Baumbach, Sebastian Billaudelle, Oliver Breitwieser, Benjamin Cramer, Dominik Dold, Akos Ferenc Kungl, Walter Senn, Johannes Schemmel, Karlheinz Meier & Mihai Alexandru Petrovici (Onsite)
20:22 – Social and Referential Gaze Behaviour: Automation towards Human-Robot Multimodal Interaction, Vidya Somashekarappa, Christine Howes & Asad Sayeed (Onsite)
20:44 – Towards Understanding Neuroscience of Realisation of Information Need in light of Relevance and Satisfaction Judgement, Sakrapee Paisalnan, Frank Pollick & Yashar Moshfeghi (Video)
21:16 – Learning to predict in uncertainty, Katharina Anna Wilmes, Constanze Raltschev, Sergej Kasavica, Shankar Sachidhanandam & Walter Senn (Onsite)
21:28 – A more efficient and predictive recurrent visual neural network model based on the Drosophila visual pathway, Keivan Razban Haghighi, Mikko Juusola & Jouni Takalo (Onsite)
20:00 – KAFE: Knowledge And Frequency adapted Embeddings, Awais Ashfaq, Markus Lingman & Slawomir Nowaczyk (Screen sharing)
20:15 – Optimisation of a Workpiece Clamping Position with Reinforcement Learning for Complex Milling Applications, Chrismarie Enslin, Vladimir Samsonov, Hans-Georg Köpken, Schirin Bär & Daniel Lütticke (Screen sharing)
20:30 – Deep Reinforcement Learning for optimal energy management of multi-energy smart grids, Dhekra Bousnina & Gilles Guerassimoff (Screen sharing)
20:45 – A noisy-labels approach to detecting uncompetitive auctions, Natalya Goryunova, Egor Ianovski & Artem Baklanov (Screen sharing)
21:00 – Numerical issues in maximum likelihood parameter estimation for Gaussian process interpolation, Subhasish Basak, Sebastien Petit, Julien Bect & Emmanuel Vazquez (Screen sharing)
21:15 – Explainable AI for Financial Forecasting, Salvatore Carta, Alessandro Sebastian Podda, Diego Reforgiato Recupero & Maria Madalina Stanciu (Screen sharing)

11:00 – Understanding physio-chemical characteristics of carbon electrode on capacitive performance of supercapacitors: Machine Learning Approach, Atta Muhammad, Rajat Srivastava, Matteo Fasano, Sachit Mishra, Amit, Eliodoro Chiavazzo & Pietro Asinari (Screen sharing or Onsite)
11:15 – Adversarial perturbations for evolutionary optimization, Unai Garciarena, Jon Vadillo, Alexander Mendiburu & Roberto Santana (Onsite)
11:30 – Expressive Graph Informer Networks, Jaak Simm, Adam Arany, Edward De Brouwer & Yves Moreau (Onsite)
11:45 – A Framework for Imbalanced Time-series Forecasting, Luis Pedro Silvestrin, Leonardos Pantiskas & Mark Hoogendoorn (Onsite)
12:00 – Active Learning for Capturing Human Decision Policies in a Data Frugal Context, Loïc Grossetête, Alexandre Marois, Bénédicte Chatelais, Christian Gagné & Daniel Lafond (Onsite)
12:15 – pH-RL: A personalization architecture to bring reinforcement learning to health practice, Ali El Hassouni, Mark Hoogendoorn, Gusz Eiben, Vesa Muhonen, Marketa Ciharova, Annet Kleiboer, Khadicha Amarti & Heleen Riper (Onsite)
11:00 – Building Knowledge Base for the Domain of Economic Mobility of Older Workers, Ying Li, Vitalii Zakhozhyi, Yu Fu, Joy He-Yueya, Vishwa Pardeshi & Luis Salazar (Screen sharing)
11:15 – Experiments on Properties of Hidden Structures of Sparse Neural Networks, Julian Stier, Harshil Darji & Michael Granitzer (Screen sharing)
11:30 – Improved update rule and sampling of stochastic gradient descent with extreme early stopping for support vector machines, Marcin Orchel & Johan Suykens (Screen sharing)
11:45 – Malicious website detection through Deep Learning algorithms, Norma Gutierrez, Otero Beatriz, Eva Rodriguez & Ramon Canal (Screen sharing)
12:00 – Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling with Changeover Priorities, Holden Milne, Opeyemi Adesina, Russell Campbell, Barbara Friesen & Masud Khawaja (Onsite)
12:15 – Health change detection using temporal transductive learning, Abhay Harpale (Screen sharing)

14:00 – Small datasets and deep networks: A new deep learning method for time series prediction, with application to geodetic data science, Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi & Benedikt Soja (Screen sharing)
14:15 – Toward a new approach for tuning regularization hyperparameter in NMF, Laura Selicato, Nicoletta Del Buono & Flavia Esposito (Screen sharing)
14:30 – Method For Generating Explainable Deep Learning Models in the Context of Air Traffic Management, Keith Rudd, Michelle Eshow & Mary Gibbs (Screen sharing)
14:45 – Boosted Embeddings for Time Series Forecasting, Sankeerth Rao Karingula, Nandini Ramanan, Rasool Tahmasbi, Mehrnaz Amjadi, Deokwoo Jung, Ricky Si, Charanraj Thimmisetty, Luisa Cabrera Polania, Marjorie Sayer, Jake Taylor & Claudionor Nunes Coelho Jr. (Screen sharing)
15:00 – Zero-Shot Learning-Based Detection of Electric Insulators in The Wild, Ibraheem Azeem & Moayid Ali Zaidi (Screen sharing)
15:15 – Improved Migrating Birds Optimization Algorithm to Solve Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Lot-streaming of Random Breakdown, Ping Wang, Renato De Leone & Hong-Yan Sang (Video)
15:30 – Inference and De-Noising of Non-Gaussian Particle Distribution Functions: A Generative Modeling Approach, John Donaghy & Kai Germaschewski (Screen sharing)
15:45 – A Study on Relevant Features for Intraday S&P 500 Prediction Using a Hybrid Feature Selection Approach, Mahinda Mailagaha Kumbure, Christoph Lohrmann & Pasi Luukka (Screen sharing)
16:00 – Multi-Asset Market Making via Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning, Abbas Haider, Glenn Hawe, Hui Wang & Bryan Scotney (Screen sharing)
14:00 – Machine learning methods for supervised industrial production, Lorenzo Fiorani, Paolo Cavicchioli, Giorgia Franchini & Roberto Cavicchioli (Screen sharing)
14:15 – Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Aerial Survey Images in the Recognition System, Van Trong Nguyen & Fedor Fedorovich Pashchenko (Screen sharing)
14:30 – Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid Network using FC-based Blockchain Model and Linear SVM, Saurabh Shukla, Subhasis Thakur & John Breslin (Screen sharing)
14:45 – Development of a Hybrid Modeling Methodology for Oscillating Systems with Friction, Meike Wohlleben, Amelie Bender, Sebastian Peitz & Walter Sextro (Video)
15:00 – Forecasting the IBEX-35 stock index using deep learning and news emotions, Sergio Consoli, Matteo Negri, Amirhossein Tebbifakhr, Elisa Tosetti & Marco Turchi (Video)
15:15 – Learning Beam Search: Utilizing Machine Learning to Guide Beam Search for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Marc Huber & Günther Raidl (Video)
15:30 – Modular Networks Prevent Catastrophic Interference in Model-Based Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning, Robin Schiewer & Laurenz Wiskott (Video)
15:45 – Estimating Change Intensity and Duration in Human Activity Recognition using Martingales, Jonathan Etumusei, Jorge Martinez Carracedo & Sally McClean (Video)
16:00 – An Integrated Approach to Produce Robust Deep Neural Network Models with High Efficiency, Zhijian Li, Bao Wang & Jack Xin (Video)
16:45 – The Optimized Social Distance Lab, Des Fagan & Ruth Conroy Dalton (Screen sharing)
17:00 – Training Artificial Neural Networks with Gradient and Coarse-Level Correction Schemes, Nadja Vater & Alfio Borzì (Video)
17:15 – A Machine Learning Approach to Daily Capacity Planning in E-Commerce Logistics, Barıs Bayram, Büra Ülkü, Gözde Aydın, Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei & Burcin Bozkaya (Video)
17:30 – On principal component analysis of the convex combination of two data matrices and its application to acoustic metamaterial filters, Giorgio Gnecco & Andrea Bacigalupo (Video)
17:45 – The Sea Exploration Problem Revisited, João Dionísio, João Pedroso & Davi Santos (Video)
18:00 – The Label Recorder Method: Testing the Memorization Capacity of Machine Learning Models, Kyle Rong, Aditya Khant, David Flores & George Montañez (Video)
18:15 – Predictable Features Elimination: An Unsupervised Approach to Feature Selection, Pietro Barbiero, Giovanni Squillero & Alberto Tonda (Video)
18:30 – Employing an Adjusted Stability Measure for Multi-Criteria Model Fitting on Data Sets with Similar Features, Andrea Bommert, Jörg Rahnenführer & Michel Lang (Video only – probably, speaker does not present on Zoom)
16:45 – Reinforcement Learning in Air Traffic Control, Lingyi Yang, Samuel Cohen & Jaroslav Fowkes (Onsite)
17:00 – Data Clustering Application in Medicine, Mantas Lukauskas & Tomas Ruzgas (Video)
17:15 – Action-Conditioned Frame Prediction Without Discriminator, David Valencia, Henry Williams, Bruce MacDonald & Ting Qiao (Video only)
17:30 – Deep Learning Detection of GPS Spoofing, Olivia Jullian, Beatriz Otero, Mirjana Stojilovic, Juan José Costa, Javier Verdú & Manuel Alejandro Pajuelo (Video)
17:45 – Comparative analysis of clustering algorithms for synthetic and real data, Mantas Lukauskas & Tomas Ruzgas (Video)
18:00 – ShufText: A Simple black box approach to evaluate the fragility of Text Classification models, Rutuja Taware, Shraddha Varat, Gaurav Salunke, Chaitanya Gawande, Geetanjali Kale, Rahul Khengare & Raviraj Joshi (Video)
18:15 – A k-mer based sequence similarity for pangenomic analyses, Vincenzo Bonnici, Andrea Cracco & Giuditta Franco (Screen sharing)
18:30 – Thresholding procedure via Barzilai-Borwein rules for the steplength selection in Stochastic Gradient Methods, Giorgia Franchini, Valeria Ruggiero & Ilaria Trombini (Screen sharing)