After numerous discussions, we have concluded that holding the event this year in hybrid form, both onsite and virtual (as was done for LOD 2020) as this is most beneficial for the LOD community rather than postponing the conference to 2022.
The organizing committee of LOD 2021 has decided to run the conference on the scheduled dates (October 4-8, 2021), and to run it as a hybrid conference:
The Wordsworth Hotel & SPA in Grasmere – Lake District England (our conference venue) has enough space to obey the safety rules (put in place due to COVID-19). To accommodate a large number of participants, we are offering the option for either physical presence (onsite) or virtual participation (online). We would be delighted if all authors and participants manage to attend; however, we are aware that in the current special circumstances, it is best to hold the event in hybrid mode.
The Conference, will be held in person with virtual rooms for authors and participants using a remote connection (Zoom). The lectures (e.g., live presentations or recorded ones) will also be made available online. We will make sure that the sessions also run live, such that the presenters can show and explain their results, and the attendees can ask questions and interact with the presenters. The sessions will be held one at a time which will allow participants from overseas to attend as many sessions as possible.
The keynote lectures (of the Lecturers who will give their consent to the recording of the lessons) will be recorded such that online participants can follow them either live or at any time they like to.
If the situation does not allow the event to take place in person, the event will instead be converted to a fully online mode.
Obviously, if LOD 2021 will be converted into a fully online event, participants who paid the onsite registration fee will be refunded the difference, and will thus only pay the online registration fee.
Finally, it is important to note that it is possible to change the mode of participation (the Registration):
from Onsite Registration → to Online Registration and similarly
from Online Registration → to Onsite Registration
We are offering the possibility to change the mode of participation to LOD 2021. Those who register in one mode can easily change it by 4 September (one month before the conference starts).
- It is possible to take Onsite Registration and then change it to Online Registration and get a corresponding refund, but this decision must be made by 4 September.
- Similarly, you can do Online Registration and then upgrade to Onsite Registration and pay the difference (via PayPal); this decision must also be made by 4 September.
If you have any questions please write to the organising committee:
See you (in-person or virtually – in 3D or in 2D 🙂 ) in the Lake District – England in October!
The LOD 2021 Organizing Committee.
The 7th Annual Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science (LOD) is an international conference on machine learning, computational optimization, big data and artificial intelligence. The conference includes invited talks, tutorials talks, specialised sessions, industrial tracks, demonstrations, oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.
The LOD has established itself as a premier interdisciplinary conference in machine learning, computational optimization, data science and AI. It provides an international forum for the presentation of original interdisciplinary research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development experiences.
We invite submissions of papers, abstracts, posters, talks and demos on all topics related to Machine learning, Optimization and Data Science including real-world applications for the Conference Post-Proceedings – Springer-Nature Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
The LOD Conference Manifesto
“The problem of understanding intelligence is said to be the greatest problem in science today and “the” problem for this century — as deciphering the genetic code was for the second half of the last one.
Arguably, the problem of learning represents a gateway to understanding intelligence in brains and machines, to discovering how the human brain works, and to making intelligent machines that learn from experience and improve their competences as children do.
In engineering, learning techniques would make it possible to develop software that can be quickly customized to deal with the increasing amount of information and the flood of data around us.”
“The Mathematics of Learning: Dealing with Data“
Tomaso Poggio (MOD 2015 & LOD 2020 Keynote Speaker)
Steve Smale
“Artificial Intelligence has already provided beneficial tools that are used every day by people around the world. Its continued development, guided by the Asilomar AI Principles, will offer amazing opportunities to help and empower people in the decades and centuries ahead.”
The Asilomar AI Principles have been adopted by the LOD Conference since their initial formulation, 3-5 January 2017. Since then they have been an integral part of the Manifesto of the LOD Conferences (LOD 2017).
All papers must be submitted using EasyChair.
Paper Submission deadline: Tuesday June 15, 2021 (AoE)
Any questions regarding the submission process can be sent to conference organizers:
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- Special Session Proposals:
Monday December 14, 2020 - Special Session Notification:
Monday December 28, 2020 - Paper Submission Deadline:
Tuesday June 15, 2021 (AoE) - Abstract/Poster/Demo Submission Deadline:
Friday June 25, 2021 (AoE) - Late-Breaking Paper Submission Deadline:
Tuesday August 31, 2021 (AoE) - Reviews Released to Authors: by
Wednesday June 30, 2021 - Rebuttal Due: by
Thursday July 8, 2021 - Decision Notification to Authors: by
Monday July 12, 2021 - Camera Ready Submission Deadline: by
Saturday July 31, 2021 - Early Registration as Presenting Author: by
Saturday July 31, 2021 - Early Registration: by
Saturday July 31, 2021 - Late Registration: from Sunday August 1, 2021
- Accommodation Reservation at the Wordsworth Hotel & SPA – Grasmere – England: by
Friday August 20, 2021 - Conference: October 4 – 8, 2021
Recent News
- Feb 17, 2022 — LOD 2021 Proceedings – temporary free online access
- Nov 25, 2021 — LOD 2021 Best Paper Award Announcement
- Nov 15, 2021 — LOD 2021 Volume Numbers: 13163 and 13164
- Oct 3, 2021 — Zoom Link sent!
- May 25, 2021 — LOD 2021 Program
- May 7, 2021 — New Keynote Speaker: Prof. Roberto Cipolla – University of Cambridge, UK
- Apr 10, 2021 — Paper Submission Deadline: June 15
- Mar 25, 2021 — ACAIN 2021: Co-located Event @ LOD 2021
- Mar 20, 2021 — It is possible to change the mode of participation (the Registration): from Onsite → to Online and similarly from Online → to Onsite (by 4 September)
- Feb 22, 2021 — Professor Suzanne McIntosh
- Feb 11, 2021 — LOD2021 Poster
- Jan 27, 2021 — New Keynote Speaker: Verena Rieser, Heriot Watt University, UK
- Jan 26, 2021 — New Conference Dates & Submission Deadline Extended: June 15 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Jan 19, 2021 — New Keynote Speaker: Ioannis Antonoglou, DeepMind, UK
- Jan 19, 2021 — New Keynote Speaker: Paige Bailey, Google, USA – Machine Learning with TF 2.x and JAX
LOD 2021 Keynote Speakers

LOD 2021 Tutorial Speaker

ACAIN 2021 Speakers

ACAIN 2021 Tutorial Speaker

General Chairs

Program Chairs

Special Sessions Chair

Tutorial Sessions Chair

Industrial Session Chair

Publicity Chair

Steering Committee

Past Editions
Many international well-known experts in Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data have joined LOD. Let’s review the history of LOD.
- LOD 2020
The Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy.
Nature Springer – LNCS volumes 12565 and 12566. - LOD 2019
The Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy.
Nature Springer – LNCS volume 11943. - LOD 2018
The Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy.
Nature Springer – LNCS volume 11331. - MOD 2017
The Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy.
Springer – LNCS volume 10710. - MOD 2016
The Second International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy.
Springer – LNCS volume 10122. - MOD 2015
International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data
Taormina – Sicily – Italy.
Springer – LNCS volume 9432.